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Showing posts from October, 2019


Honesty is shown when empathy is gained without dialogue. Gris achieves similar to what a lot of anime achieves in films and in tv series by offering to the viewer or, in this case, the user, a main protagonist that can create a sense of intrigue through stillness that many realistic 3-D characters in games cannot. In a way, she embodies the anime prototype where in most cases a setting in an anime series has backgrounds that feel mostly stagnant and a character in focus is highly active. Their is some nostalgia here to a Studio Ghibli film by integrating digital and hand-drawn animation similar to Miyazaki's first attempt with this in Princess Mononoke. Their is certainly that "Ma" that exists in Gris here as well. (japanese word meaning the emotion existing between action) As a gamer, you're curious about it's animation style beyond the softness of it's melancholic reds and blacks. The 100% hand drawn aesthetic adds to a glitch-in-the-system effect that h...